I haven’t taken the time yet to upload pictures but this has been a great weekend in San Francisco. I have been at the Winter Symposium of the National Speakers Association (NSA). For the sake of full disclosure I will tell you that I was one of the presenters on Friday. But that aside, this has been a fun-filled and very informative conference. I spoke on legal issues. But there we three other great topics: Operations, Marketing and Finance.
The meeting was set up so each of those segments would have a four hour block for the presenters. Wow! What was so amazing was the quality of the presentations. When you have people of this caliber presenting material, time seems to speed by. I have been to a lot of lawyer seminars. They pale in comparison.
Okay, enough about the work aspect of the meeting. Let’s get down to what I live for … fun and happiness. Those are my main values. Sure, I speak about all sorts of different things. But if I am not having fun and what I am doing is not about happiness, I am not interested.
What I really enjoy about the NSA is the friendships you make along the way. This is a group of smart, warm and friendly people who are always willing to step in and give a hand to a fellow speaker.
Last evening some of us went to dinner at a local restaurant near the hotel. One of the people had a rental car so three of us piled in and off we went. It was a fun-filled adventure and we ended up having a great meal. After that we returned to the hotel for a nightcap. People kept streaming in and before long there was a huge gathering of speakers sharing stories and encouraging one another.
Tomorrow it is back to St. Louis. I’ll miss this group until I see them again in Orlando for the summer meeting.