Your Leadership Style
Each leader has a leadership style that is personal to them. There is no magic formula that works for everyone. It is important to understand some of the fundamentals of leadership so that you can determine what style works best for you.
In leading any organization it is necessary to understand that organization. What is the mission? Who are the players? What is important to them? That takes willingness on the part of the leader to investigate, research and listen. It may even occur to you that your leadership style is not right for that organization.
Your Talents, Skills and Beliefs
What is a leadership style? It is that combination of skills, talents and beliefs that dictate how a leader relates to those in the organization.
One of the most recognizable leadership styles is that of the military commander. While this style works well in a military setting it might not be the right choice for a non-profit organization with the goal of saving abandoned puppy dogs.
To be a good leader you have to take the time to do a self-inventory and understand the style that works best for you. Most of the time, a person cannot effectively change their leadership style. It is what it is. It is what makes you a leader.
Informal and Formal Leadership Styles
There are informal leaders and formal leaders. One is not better than the other. But both are not perfect for every organization.
A formal leader is one who is given a position or title and with that comes the responsibility of overseeing the goals and operation of the organization. That person is recognized by all to be the leader.
This requires that person to motivate and direct all the members of the organization toward the accomplishment of the goals. It requires that person to clearly define those goals. Ultimately that person is held responsible for the success or failure of the efforts of the organization.
An informal leader is a person who does not necessarily have a title or designation as a leader but is a person who others look to for advice, guidance and direction. This role is as important as the role of the formal leader. This is often the person who knows how to motivate people on the most basic level. It is a person who works shoulder-to-shoulder with the team members and helps them understand the complexities of the task.
Which is More Important?
Both leadership styles are important positions in any organization. One style is not superior to the other.
What is important is that you take a long look at yourself and decide where you fit in the range of leadership styles. Take the time to discover who you are. When you do, your leadership capabilities will grow and you will be recognized as a leader in your field.
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