Do I Need A Silk Suit?

Do I Need A Silk Suit?

Should I Have Purchased That? Have you ever bought something you really wanted and then almost immediately felt uneasy about it? Back in 1984 I settled a high six-figure personal injury case and decided I would give myself a treat. Sam Cavato Menswear was located in...
You Never Know Who You’ll Meet

You Never Know Who You’ll Meet

The Sound of Music When I was in law school I worked as a bartender at a Ramada Inn in Columbia, Missouri. This particular location had what was called the “Music Room.” Bands would come and play in our show room from Tuesday to Saturday night. Most businessmen...
My Time As A Quarry Worker

My Time As A Quarry Worker

Hard, Dirty and Dangerous Quarry work is hard, dirty and dangerous. That became evident to me in the summer of 1973 when I worked at the limestone quarry in Millersburg, Missouri. A man I knew got me the job there for the summer. My status as the new guy put me at the...
My First Parachute Jump

My First Parachute Jump

I Know I’ll Fall Over The Edge I have always thought I was afraid of heights. But I was confused by the fact that I could fly small aircraft without having that feeling. I could look over the rail on bridges or tall buildings without fear. But I could not stand...
Learning By Failing

Learning By Failing

Certified Professional Coach When I got my Certified Professional Coach credentials, I was encouraged to pick a very narrow market and focus on that market. That is the best way to establish a solid business. I know, it seems counterintuitive. You want to coach...