Clean Your Contacts List

Clean Your Contacts List

Clean Your Contacts One of the best things you can do to increase your efficiency is clean your contacts list. There is no sense in having people on your list who are not engaging with you. It keeps you open rate down and it can even increase your CRM costs. Most...
Figuring Out Chiropractor Finances

Figuring Out Chiropractor Finances

Chiropractor Finances How complicated are chiropractor finances? The answer is that chiropractor finances are as simple or as complicated as you want to make them. The remedy is to have things you are not good at doing as a chiropractor done by someone else. It...
Chiropractors Choosing Wisely

Chiropractors Choosing Wisely

Chiropractors Choosing Wisely We can all agree that we want chiropractors choosing wisely. There is more to that than you might think, though. To aid in the effort to have chiropractors choosing wisely the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) is encouraging its...
Chiropractors Believe They Do Good

Chiropractors Believe They Do Good

Chiropractors Face Criticism What I particularly admire about Chiropractors is their strong belief in what they do. Chiropractic healing is barely more than 100 years old. During that time, it has faced an almost constant barrage of criticism and skepticism from those...