Backpack Project-A Language Barrier

Backpack Project-A Language Barrier

It Helps To Approach People Who Speak English When we left off in the last installment I had chased down a young man walking across the Washington University campus. He was carrying a backpack and being followed by two women. It was not clear if they were all together...
Backpack Project-Getting Started

Backpack Project-Getting Started

Maybe a script will help Since my first attempt was less than productive I gave some thought to ways that I might approach people in a less threatening manner. My wife opined that I might seem a little intrusive if I just walked up the strangers and asked to look in...
Backpack Project Is Underway

Backpack Project Is Underway

It’s In The Backpack My backpack project started just the other day. What is a backpack project? Let me tell you. As a baby boomer I did not carry a backpack to school when I was young. Instead we carried book bags. These were child-like versions of briefcases....