How About Some Fried Chicken

How About Some Fried Chicken

Make America Great Again We are going through some interesting times in this country. There is a whole contingent of people who want to “Make America Great Again.” The problem is they cannot tell you exactly what they mean by that. But they know they are not happy....
Who Will Seize My Guns?

Who Will Seize My Guns?

There are people who are all alarmed claiming that the government is going to take their guns. These people are miserably uninformed. Here is what is really going to happen. We are all aware of the radical right-wing, white supremacist groups who are starting their...
How To Spend This Day

How To Spend This Day

Each Precious Day As you move through all that you will do today keep in mind that it is the only time you are going to get to have this day. April 20, 2021 will never come again in your life. How are you going to use this day? That is a question that I encourage you...
Judging Others

Judging Others

Be Careful Judging Others Here is a story about human nature. It illustrates how we so often just see things from our own perspective and fail to see the big picture. We fail to see the fallacy of our own actions while we are bust judging others. The story was relayed...
Covid-19 Fear Response

Covid-19 Fear Response

Covid-19 Fear Mongers In these tumultuous times many well-intended comments are misconstrued. It results from uncertainty, fear, insecurities and worries. It happens as a a result of the Covid-19 fear. That is perfectly understandable. Please Don’t Panic For the...