Backpack Project-The First Threesome

Oh, Not That Kind! In the last post I told you about approaching the young students who did not speak English. Yes, that was a bit of a setback. But I was determined to find somebody I could talk to about their backpack. It was more difficult than I anticipated to...
Backpack Project-A Language Barrier

Backpack Project-A Language Barrier

It Helps To Approach People Who Speak English When we left off in the last installment I had chased down a young man walking across the Washington University campus. He was carrying a backpack and being followed by two women. It was not clear if they were all together...
Backpack Project-Getting Started

Backpack Project-Getting Started

Maybe a script will help Since my first attempt was less than productive I gave some thought to ways that I might approach people in a less threatening manner. My wife opined that I might seem a little intrusive if I just walked up the strangers and asked to look in...