A Very Successful Woman

A Very Successful Woman

A Successful Woman Today I was speaking on Zoom with a very successful woman. She has a business as a coach in a very niche industry. As a successful woman CEO she had previously taken a company from startup to annual sales of twenty-eight million dollars in less than...
Business Success and Happiness

Business Success and Happiness

Business Success is More Than Money If you are a what is called a small business owner, I can help you fit the pieces of your business puzzle together in a profitable way. But that is not what this is about. This is about the truth you may not have come to understand...
What is an Entrepreneur Coach?

What is an Entrepreneur Coach?

Entrepreneur Coach Explained If you are serious about your business you have probably asked the question, “What is an entrepreneur coach?” Or maybe you have wondered how to find an entrepreneur coach. An entrepreneur coach is simply a small business coach. A small...