Inspired by Others

Inspired by Others

Are You Inspired? Lately I have been inspired by people I have encountered who are doing things that seem unexpected, at least to me. What inspires you? For the past few weeks I have been organizing an area speech contest for Toastmasters International. This has...
Take More Risks

Take More Risks

Why Not Take More Risks? Recently I asked a coaching client what they would do differently. “Take more risks,” she replied. It was just the right answer at just the right time. Not only was it right for her. It reminded me of one of the most important rules of my...
I Must Be True To Myself

I Must Be True To Myself

Am I Being True to Myself? Do you ever get tired of trying to do something the way everybody else does it? I know I do. It always leads me to the question of whether I am being true to myself. When I first got into the speaking business, I met a lot of people who...
Calling Myself Out

Calling Myself Out

Calling Myself Out Worry is nothing more than thinking about a future event and predicting a bad outcome. It is a choice. There is no reason to predict that bad outcome. We do not know what is going to come in the future. It is better we think of a future event and...
Covid-19 Fear Response

Covid-19 Fear Response

Covid-19 Fear Mongers In these tumultuous times many well-intended comments are misconstrued. It results from uncertainty, fear, insecurities and worries. It happens as a a result of the Covid-19 fear. That is perfectly understandable. Please Don’t Panic For the...