Starbucks Coffee and Confidence

Starbucks Coffee and Confidence

An Open Letter to Starbucks Dear Starbucks; The manager of that Starbucks store in Philadelphia really screwed up when she called 911 to make a report about the two African-American men sitting in her store not buying anything. Okay, now that we have stated the...
Chiropractors Have Gremlins, Too

Chiropractors Have Gremlins, Too

Chiropractors, Dreamers and You Being in the health care profession comes with challenges. Most chiropractors start with a dream. They see a need and know that chiropractic is the solution. Somewhere along the line you commit yourself to helping people become and stay...
Energize Your Career

Energize Your Career

Fear Can Ruin Your Career In late February I had the pleasure of speaking to the Texas Hill Country Chapter of the Meeting Professionals International in Austin, Texas. The opportunity was made even better in that it came right before the National Speakers Association...