Wayne Schoeneberg

Just my thoughts at the time with a few stories added in for good measure.

What Is The Right Business Entity For Me?

What Is The Right Business Entity For Me?

Entrepreneurs Need Good Counsel Entrepreneurs are never quite certain when they first start out as to just which legal entity is right for them. Do they need an LLC, a corporation or maybe just a general partnership? That is perfectly understandable. What is not...

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Hidden Perils Can Ruin The Entrepreneur

Hidden Perils Can Ruin The Entrepreneur

Hidden Perils Lurk In The Shadows The hidden perils that wait in the dark for entrepreneurs can take a business from riding high on Monday to under the gun on Tuesday and do it so fast it is like the strike of a viper. There is no way to predict every pitfall that...

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Agree on The Scope of Service

Agree on The Scope of Service

What Is Scope Of Service? In speaking to groups of entrepreneurs I always like to include scope of service in my presentation. If you are in a service business, and that includes architects, zookeepers and all of those in between, you need to pay attention to what I...

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Clean Your Contacts List

Clean Your Contacts List

Clean Your Contacts One of the best things you can do to increase your efficiency is clean your contacts list. There is no sense in having people on your list who are not engaging with you. It keeps you open rate down and it can even increase your CRM costs. Most...

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Better Patient Loyalty for Chiropractors

Better Patient Loyalty for Chiropractors

Here is how you build better patient loyalty Better patient loyalty is something that you want to work on if you are going to achieve exceptional results in your chiropractic office. And the reality is that better patient loyalty is one of the easiest things to...

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Figuring Out Chiropractor Finances

Figuring Out Chiropractor Finances

Chiropractor Finances How complicated are chiropractor finances? The answer is that chiropractor finances are as simple or as complicated as you want to make them. The remedy is to have things you are not good at doing as a chiropractor done by someone else. It...

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Chiropractors Choosing Wisely

Chiropractors Choosing Wisely

Chiropractors Choosing Wisely We can all agree that we want chiropractors choosing wisely. There is more to that than you might think, though. To aid in the effort to have chiropractors choosing wisely the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) is encouraging its...

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Chiropractors Have Gremlins, Too

Chiropractors Have Gremlins, Too

Chiropractors, Dreamers and You Being in the health care profession comes with challenges. Most chiropractors start with a dream. They see a need and know that chiropractic is the solution. Somewhere along the line you commit yourself to helping people become and stay...

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Don’t Listen To Your Gremlin

Don’t Listen To Your Gremlin

Your Gremlin Is A Liar In a recent post I wrote about Gremlins impact even chiropractors. A Gremlin is that little voice that tells you that you are not going to succeed. We all have them Learning to silence them is a life-long endeavor. It can be done. But you cannot...

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Chiropractor Sexual Allegations

Chiropractor Sexual Allegations

Coach or Attorney-Not Both Being a coach to Chiropractors really does not have anything to do with my being a licensed attorney. I do not mix the two roles. I certainly call on my expertise in legal matters as a coach. On the other hand, the situation has arisen where...

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Chiropractors Should Market Their Strengths

Chiropractors Should Market Their Strengths

Chiropractors Need Many Skills Chiropractors need to have a wide array of skills if they want to develop a financially successful practice. It isn’t enough to be a great doctor. You have to be an office manager, also. Now in an earlier post I wrote about learning to...

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Chiropractor Office Organization

Chiropractor Office Organization

A Chiropractor Can't Do It All Whether you are a chiropractor or a building contractor you are going to face challenges in running your business. The key is not to focus on the challenges but to look for the opportunities. When you shift your focus to the solutions...

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Chiropractors Believe They Do Good

Chiropractors Believe They Do Good

Chiropractors Face Criticism What I particularly admire about Chiropractors is their strong belief in what they do. Chiropractic healing is barely more than 100 years old. During that time, it has faced an almost constant barrage of criticism and skepticism from those...

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Can Coaching Help Me In Business?

Can Coaching Help Me In Business?

Coaching Helps Avoid Costly Mistakes It still surprises me when business people do not know about coaching. It surprises me because coaching helps the entrepreneur find solutions. And in a world where there is very little room for error, you would think that everybody...

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Being An Entrepreneur Can Be Lonely

Being An Entrepreneur Can Be Lonely

The Lonely Entrepreneur Life Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely experience. The Harvard Business Review alluded to this in a story it ran on CEO's. You have come up with an idea for a successful service or product. Most of the time you have arrived at this idea...

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The Right to Remain Silent

Sometimes it just pays to say nothing. It took me a long time to realize that. Now, as a speaker, I have to find that balance between silence and sound. This story goes back to my college days. https://youtu.be/tLU8M9SLzVE

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Fears Are Something To Confront

Fears Are Something To Confront

Fears Hide in Your Mind It is interesting to me that people are so reluctant to admit that they have fears. In fact, there is a fear about admitting fears. Strange, isn’t it? Yet when I speak at conventions or conferences, almost everybody will admit to feeling...

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Effective Communication Paves Pathways

Effective Communication Paves Pathways

Effective Communication Rocks The need for effective communication is essential to survival in any society. Once the population grows greater than one, communication becomes critical. It can form an alliance or start a conflict. Early man had no vocabulary and had to...

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Missouri Gun Owners Have Rights

Missouri Gun Owners Have Rights

Gun Owners A few months ago I gave a free seminar as a public service to gun owners in Missouri. Many of you know I am not only a professional speaker I am also a trial; lawyer. Well, in some respects there is a lot of crossover there. The seminar was for people in...

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Use Examples to Get Your Point Across

Use Examples to Get Your Point Across

Just Tell Them What You Mean Telling a story is not that complicated. People do it all the time. They do it without realizing they are telling a story. But then, when a story would do, they balk. They drop into some form of ritualistic tech-talk that confuses the...

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Jojo, The Best Pony A Boy Could Have

Jojo, The Best Pony A Boy Could Have

The Mythical Pony Storytelling is in my blood. It all began when my grandmother would tell me all about the pony that we were going to get. He would live in the garage behind our house. And oh, the fun we were going to have. I was going to be the envy of all the kids...

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It Takes A Story Sometimes

It Takes A Story Sometimes

Storytelling is the stock and trade of the successful trial lawyer. It is the hammer that rings the bell. It is trigger that fires the shot. It is the hand that touches the heart. Storytelling is not for the trial lawyer alone. It is a skill that is understood and...

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What Is It About Storytelling?

What Is It About Storytelling?

I'm all about storytelling What can I say about storytelling? It has been the mainstay of my adult life. It has helped me navigate through the perils of practicing law and has helped me keep my sanity when times or things got tough. I love stories. I love hearing a...

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Great Story Told In An Excellent Fashion

Great Story Told In An Excellent Fashion

Tell A Great Story Being a storyteller is something that I have practiced for many years. In fact I can't remember when I wasn't crafting a set of facts into a great story. Facts tell, stories sell. Each day I scour the Internet for another great story. And today I...

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Looking For Opportunities Instead for Problems

Looking For Opportunities Instead for Problems

Are You Looking For Opportunities? Some people are always looking for opportunities. Others are always looking for problems. Both groups are adept at finding what they are looking for. You see, you find what you are looking for or you keep looking until you find it. I...

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Exercise Your Right To Be Happy

Exercise Your Right To Be Happy

Right To Be Happy As you know I am all about happiness. I know that happy people are more productive and that more productive people are happier. It kind of goes in a circle. The other side of being happy is being sad. You can't have it both ways. In a previous post I...

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Great Weekend In San Francisco

Great Weekend In San Francisco

I haven't taken the time yet to upload pictures but this has been a great weekend in San Francisco. I have been at the Winter Symposium of the National Speakers Association (NSA). For the sake of full disclosure I will tell you that I was one of the presenters on...

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Overcoming Sadness Can Be A Challenge

Overcoming Sadness Can Be A Challenge

Tricks for Overcoming Sadness My father was an interesting man. He always seemed to have a positive attitude about things. At least that is the way I remember him. He was all about overcoming sadness. One of his favorite sayings was, "Smile and the world smiles with...

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Happiness Now

Happiness is a fundamental human right. It is even written into some of the founding documents of the United States of America. But people often can't find happiness. That is because they keep looking for it in the future. https://youtu.be/v9xNMNwGYKs I used to do...

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What Can I Do About This Sadness?

What Can I Do About This Sadness?

Sadness Can Be Conquered Did you know that crying may actually help you overcome your sadness? It's true. It didn't make make sense to me at first. I thought crying was only going to make a person sadder. Crying may actually release some of those feel-good endorphins...

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Teachers Who Care Don’t Do It for the Money

Teachers Who Care Don’t Do It for the Money

Good Teachers Care Why do we blame the teachers for the failures in our educational system? The simple reason is that teachers are the most visible component. Teachers are what we see the most. They interact with our children, they interact with the parents, they...

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Why Is Divorce Only Talked About in Secret?

Why Is Divorce Only Talked About in Secret?

Divorce! The Dirty Secret How many people do you know who are divorced? Probably quite a few. 40-50% of all marriages in the United Sates end in divorce. So why do we act like it is something to be ashamed of? Why do people treat divorced people like they are damaged?...

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What Energy Level Are You?

What Energy Level Are You?

What is an Energy Level? Energy levels are the measure of your potential for success in life.It is a measure of your potential output. Psychologist Bruce D. Schneider, Ph. D. has developed an entire program, as well as, many books and papers around the Energy...

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Resolutions Are Not For Me

Resolutions Are Not For Me

Resolutions Are Only Wishes New Year's resolutions still seem to be a big thing for a lot of people. I hear people talk about their resolutions a lot from about December 26 to January 15. Then the term resolution falls off the radar. Why is that? Because usually New...

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What Steps Can I Take to Increase My Confidence?

What Steps Can I Take to Increase My Confidence?

Steps To Increase My Confidence Often after I give a presentation as a speaker people ask me. "How can I increase my confidence?" In one of my earlier posts I wrote about admitting you have fears. It is funny how people will go to great lengths to avoid admitting that...

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How Can I Learn to be Confident?

How Can I Learn to be Confident?

Can I Ever Really Be Confident? This is a question I get a lot. I know how to help you but you have to be willing to do a few things along the way. The first thing you have to do is admit that you have fears. Fear is what is keeping you from being confident. Too...

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When Will I Get Over This Divorce

When Will I Get Over This Divorce

The Lingering Impact of Divorce That question is asked everyday by thousands of people. So, let’s begin with the realization that you are not alone. In fact, almost everybody who gets divorced has that feeling at one time or another. It doesn’t matter whether the...

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Divorced is Not a Dirty Word So Don’t Let It Define You

Divorced is Not a Dirty Word So Don’t Let It Define You

Divorced People Need Love, Too Being newly divorced is not easy for anyone. Do not ever think it is. And that applies whether you were the one who instigated the divorce or not. Sometimes the mere fact that you are divorced is enough to put you in a funk. The trick is...

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A Business Plan Needs to be Well Thought Out

A Business Plan Needs to be Well Thought Out

A Business Plan Is A Must The business plan is a necessary foundation for every entrepreneur. Knowing where you are going and how you are going to get there is essential. It is foolish to start out with your entrepreneurial ideas and think that it is all going to fall...

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Leadership is a Skill That Can Be Learned

Leadership is a Skill That Can Be Learned

Leadership Through Learning Leadership is a subject I have studied all my adult life. It has always fascinated me. Leaders come in all shapes and sizes and sometime from the most unlikely places. In Officer Candidate School we studied leadership. The cadre in charge...

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Myths About Leadership Are Everywhere

Myths About Leadership Are Everywhere

Myths are misleading potential leaders Myths! They are everywhere about almost every subject. Today I want to tell you about leadership. You see, leadership is a quality that we all have to one degree or another. I don't care who you are, you possess a certain element...

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Crystal Lee Sutton the Mill Town Girl

Crystal Lee Sutton the Mill Town Girl

Crystal Lee Sutton and Leadership This is a story of Crystal Lee Sutton and leadership opportunities. Let’s take a trip to Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina in the early 1970’s and meet Crystal Lee Sutton. Roanoke Rapids was a mill town. People there lived, worked and,...

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Entrepreneurial Ideas

Entrepreneurial Ideas

Entrepreneurial Ideas Need a Plan Entrepreneurial Ideas start with "The Business plan." Every entrepreneur is excited to get started. Entrepreneurial ideas are everywhere. They pop up at some of the most unexpected moments. You come up with your entrepreneurial ideas...

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Why It Happens Doesn’t Matter

Why It Happens Doesn’t Matter

Who knows why? It so often seems that the unanswerable question is “why?” Why is this happening? Why is this happening to me? Many people ask that question about events that take place in their lives as though they expect an answer. There may be an answer to that...

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Plan Now or Plan On Being Lost Later

Plan Now or Plan On Being Lost Later

Plan Your Course Before You Begin Recently I asked a client “where are you going to be in five years?” His response started this way, “Well, I’d like to be …” Do you see the difference? Where you would “like to be” or “hope to be” are only dreams. You need to decide...

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It Is Not Supposed to be Complex

It Is Not Supposed to be Complex

It Is Not That Complex Why do we make it complex? There is a tendency in business to make things more complicated than they need to be. What is designed to be a simple task becomes almost impossible to accomplish. There are a few explanations for this. Start at the...

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Taking Care of Today

Taking Care of Today

Don't Let Uncertainty Distract You Today’s business climate leaves many of my clients uncertain about the future. The upcoming election has business professionals scratching their heads. So here is how we are approaching it. Since there is no way yet discovered to...

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Speaker at St. Louis Rotary Club Luncheon

Recently I had the privilege to be the speaker at the St. Louis Rotary Club Luncheon. This video is just a few cuts from the speech. If you would be open to a conversation about my speaking to your group, please contact me. https://youtu.be/0Lh08kZ7fV4 The luncheon...

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Hope for the Best and Believe in Your Goal.

Hope for the Best and Believe in Your Goal.

Hope Can be Powerful Hope has to be more than just wishing. Hope has to be followed up with a strong sense of belief. Hoping alone is not enough. Hoping is passive. Believing means you take a stake in your hope and move it to the next level. It is more like faith than...

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Speaker at Kirkwood Women’s Business Group

Kirkwood Rocks On September 8, 2016 I had the privilege to be the speaker for a great group of entrepreneurs and business managers. The Kirkwood Women's Business group invited me to speak at the Kirkwood Library. Here is a short clip from that presentation....

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Business Builder and Speaker

Business Builder and Speaker

Speaker? Yes! Yes, I am a speaker. I speak to organizations that want their people to be more profitable. But I am also a business builder. You see many of my business clients come from my engagements as a speaker, Then organizations that bring me in to be a speaker...

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Ruined My Life

Ruined My Life

Ruined? I Don't Think So It seems like hardly a day goes by when I do not hear someone make the exclamation that someone or something "ruined" a life. It always makes me wince. What a sad point of view. Don't get me wrong. I am not saying it is sad that the person's...

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Goals Are The Secret to Success

Goals Are The Secret to Success

Goals Are The Answer Goals are your friends. If you don’t have them you are on a journey with no destination, no real roadmap to get there and you don’t even have an arrival time. People ask me all the time to speak about goals. As a speaker it is one of my favorite...

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Opportunity is Everywhere

Opportunity is Everywhere

Opportunity Outlook Being a speaker is a lot of fun. It gives me a great opportunity to meet new people and to introduce them to different concepts from a different point of view. A speaker can inspire, entertain and educate all at the same time. I look at being a...

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Failure Comes From Not Trying

Failure Comes From Not Trying

Fear of failing is something that confronts us all. Nobody enjoys failing. Sometimes, though, the fear of failure is so strong that it sabotages your chances for success. You are so afraid to fail that you refuse to even try. Failing to try is the only true failure....

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Compare Yourself to No One

Compare Yourself to No One

Stop Comparing Yourself It is hard to see yourself as others see you. Self-realization may be one of the biggest challenges we have. I know. I have been a public speaker almost all of my life. I have been a radio personality and trial lawyer. I still can’t accept that...

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Gremlin Attacks are Worse than Zombies

Gremlin Attacks are Worse than Zombies

The Gremlin Within You A Gremlin is one of the most powerful entities known to man. We all experience them. Each of us has one. It is that little voice in your head that tells you that you are not good enough. The individual message may vary. It may be that you are...

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Headed to Phoenix

Headed to Phoenix

Flight to Phoenix The trip to the National Speakers Association annual summer meeting began early on a Saturday morning. My flight was scheduled to leave St. Louis at 7: 40 a.m. Since Rebecca does not do well getting up early in the morning we took the time to pack he...

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Croissant and Pet Peeves

Croissant and Pet Peeves

Croissant Means Crescent Okay, this doesn't have anything to do with careers, being a speaker or being a coach. This is all about one of my pet peeves. This one is about how we are losing our command of the English language. And it really is about the sloppy use of...

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MLM or Multi Level Marketing~ Key To Your Success?

MLM or Multi Level Marketing~ Key To Your Success?

MLM A Way To Riches MLM, or multi level marketing has been around for a long time. One of the first MLM companies that comes to mind is Tupperware. Their parties were the stuff of legend in the 1950s. And the company prospered for years. Not long after, other...

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Backpack Project-He Who Hesitates

Backpack Project-He Who Hesitates

If You Snooze, You Lose! In the last installment of this series, The Backpack Project, I wrote about going to  Kaldi's coffee shop near my house and rather than approaching a man who was in there with a backpack I wrote all about it. I was feeling my way through the...

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Backpack Project-Kaldi Tuesday Morning

Backpack Project-Kaldi Tuesday Morning

Oh, Just Do It! Now for some fun. I was off to Kaldi Coffee in Kirkwood to see who I could find with a backpack. A coffee shop should be a target rich environment. I figured I would just stroll in, order some coffee and find somebody with a backpack. I would walk up...

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Backpack Project-The First Threesome

Oh, Not That Kind! In the last post I told you about approaching the young students who did not speak English. Yes, that was a bit of a setback. But I was determined to find somebody I could talk to about their backpack. It was more difficult than I anticipated to...

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Backpack Project-A Language Barrier

Backpack Project-A Language Barrier

It Helps To Approach People Who Speak English When we left off in the last installment I had chased down a young man walking across the Washington University campus. He was carrying a backpack and being followed by two women. It was not clear if they were all together...

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Risk It All For the Ultimate Payoff

Risk It All For the Ultimate Payoff

Risk and Reward Risk is a subject that has always played a part in my life. In fact risk still plays an important part. At this time in my life I could be sitting back and reaping the rewards of my many years in the practice of law. Instead, I have decided to risk...

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Backpack Project-Getting Started

Backpack Project-Getting Started

Maybe a script will help Since my first attempt was less than productive I gave some thought to ways that I might approach people in a less threatening manner. My wife opined that I might seem a little intrusive if I just walked up the strangers and asked to look in...

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Looking Over Your Shoulder

Looking Over Your Shoulder

Keep Your Eyes On The Road Lately a number of my clients have told me that they feel bad about things that have happened in their past. They are worried about how those things are affecting their future. These things range from past financial problems to not having...

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Backpack Project-My First Attempt

Backpack Project-My First Attempt

My Backpack? No Way! The backpack project started out with an idea that I could find out a lot about people by what they carry in their backpack. It was curious to me that so many people were carrying backpacks in these current times. Was the backpack replacing the...

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Backpack Project Is Underway

Backpack Project Is Underway

It's In The Backpack My backpack project started just the other day. What is a backpack project? Let me tell you. As a baby boomer I did not carry a backpack to school when I was young. Instead we carried book bags. These were child-like versions of briefcases. You...

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Interpretations Can Give You False Concepts

Interpretations Can Give You False Concepts

Interpretations Often Lead to Poor Decisions Interpretations are what coaches like to call "energy blocks." They are an opinions or judgments that you create about an event, situation, person or experience that you believe to be true. https://youtu.be/yfEn9EJ-LU8 The...

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An Opportunity to Overcome an Obstacle

An Opportunity to Overcome an Obstacle

Look for the Opportunity There are few things as invigorating to me than situations that force me to practice what I preach. Every now and again the great powers in the universe come together to remind me of just how valid my positions are by giving me a chance to put...

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Appropriate Fear

Appropriate Fear

Someone asked me recently if I thought that all fear was bad. The answer to that is a resounding “no.” In the last few blogs I wrote about learning about fear and exploring what fear you were actually experiencing. I know that fear has a direct impact on performance,...

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From Sniffle to Epdemic

From Sniffle to Epdemic

Workplace fear is almost like a plague. Once it gets into a specific company, business or association it can spread almost uncontrollably. It starts like a little sniffle. Maybe Grant has it on Monday. His co-workers notice it but do nothing to protect themselves. By...

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Maximize Your Employee Productivity

Maximize Your Employee Productivity

Workplace Fear Damages Employee Productivity Employee productivity is crucial to the success of your business. Confidence in the workplace is not a given in any organization. Whether you have a few employees or many, the confidence level is going to be different for...

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Pew Survey on Robots in The Workplace

Pew Survey on Robots in The Workplace

Pew Survey Finds Interesting Results A Pew Research Center survey revealed some thoughtful insights on workplace fear. It takes on many dimensions. It lurks everywhere and managers and supervisors need to be aware of it. Workplace fear can cause countless problems...

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Energize Your Career

Energize Your Career

Fear Can Ruin Your Career In late February I had the pleasure of speaking to the Texas Hill Country Chapter of the Meeting Professionals International in Austin, Texas. The opportunity was made even better in that it came right before the National Speakers Association...

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Workplace Fear

Workplace Fear

Recognizing Workplace Fear There is a condition that is affecting employees across this country and managers at every level and in every business are missing it. That comes a no surprise since the employees themselves usually do not recognize it as a factor. It is...

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NSA Winter Meeting 2016 Day 1

NSA Winter Meeting 2016 Day 1

Winter in Austin The National Speakers Association (NSA) Winter meeting got underway on Friday February 26, 2016 in Austin, Texas. The meeting is being held at the Hilton Hotel Complex in downtown. Austin is a very impressive city. Of course the people here are...

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Speak to Me of Snow

Speak About The Positive Things Wednesday is here and it is time to get ready to fly to Austin, Texas to speak to the Meeting Professionals International Texas Hill County Chapter. As I pulled myself out of bed my eye moved naturally toward the window. What? There has...

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Speaking in Austin

Speaking in Austin

I'll be Speaking In Austin, Texas On Thursday of this week I will be speaking in Austin, Texas at the Speakers Showcase Meeting Professionals International Texas Hill Country Chapter. The title of my speech is Live Beyond Fear, Energize Your Career. This should be a...

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Confidence and Fear are Opposites

Confidence and Fear are Opposites

Have Confidence and Overcome Your Fears When I first started the Live Beyond Fear Project it was with the intention of showing people how fear affects their performance, productivity and personal satisfaction. Once you learn how damaging fear can be to your confidence...

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Pick Me! Pick Me!

Pick Me! Pick Me!

Don't Be So Desperate Dating can be so fear-filled. Since I am always looking for new material for my speaking engagements I like to do research on the Internet on various subjects. This morning, while I was working, I heard a show on the television in the other room....

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Confidence and the Future

Confidence and the Future

Have Confidence and You Will Succeed No matter whether you are the CEO of a Fortune 500 company or a brand new graduate of a chiropractic school, you could be doing more with your life than you already are. There are things still to accomplish, goals to be set and...

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Speaking of You

Speaking of You

Speaking the Truth About You As a keynote speaker I have the opportunity to address many different groups across the country. My message as a speaker is consistent. First of all, I believe that the job of a speaker is to educate, inspire and entertain. If I can’t do...

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Speaker to Those Who Need

Speaker to Those Who Need

Being a Speaker As a speaker I spend a lot of time in airports. No, I am not speaking in airports, although I guess I would if asked. Being a speaker means I have to get out to other cities to spread my message. Let me clear something up for you here. I am a speaker...

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Confidence to Go After Your Dreams

Confidence to Go After Your Dreams

Confidence in the Dream You have the power within you to cultivate the confidence it takes to be able to achieve whatever you want in life. But having the confidence alone is not enough. You need to know about and understand confidence. In order to pursue your dreams,...

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Anxiety, Fear and How To Overcome Them

Anxiety, Fear and How To Overcome Them

Anxiety Can Be Deceitful Anxiety and fear are words that are almost interchangeable. The dictionary defines anxiety as follows: a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. Here is the definition...

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Inspiration Comes From Different Places

Inspiration Comes From Different Places

Let This Be Your Inspiration Inspiration comes in many forms. Simply put it is the thing that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create; a force or influence that inspires someone. When I speak about how to live beyond...

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Fear Is Not Acceptable

Fear Is Not Acceptable

Fear Is Never An Answer Recently I read this quote on Facebook: “Our military is capable of instilling fear if used properly. With fear the world enjoys no wars. Our values and traditions are not being used to it's (sic) best abilities to offer all people freedom.” It...

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The Live Beyond Fear Project

The Live Beyond Fear Project

The Live Beyond Fear Project is something I have been working on for years. Admittedly I only recently found the suitable name. I have to thank Lethia Owens and my wife Rebecca who both contributed to the concept and the project. For the last four decades I have...

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Confidence Comes With Practice

Confidence Comes With Practice

Develop Confidence On the opposite ends of the spectrum of your potential for success are totally opposite things. On one end is fear and on the other end is confidence. And the more you can learn to live beyond fear the more you can enjoy the confidence that you are...

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The Problems With Fear and Pride

The Problems With Fear and Pride

Pride Will Slow You Down Fear and pride can be two emotions that rob you of peace, love, joy and happiness. Fear can cause self-doubt and a loss of confidence in the best of people. Many times the fear that people have is nothing more than being afraid of what others...

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An Opportunity To Expand

An Opportunity To Expand

Having an Opportunity Outlook is something that I speak to audiences about on a regular basis. You might say that I try to do it every opportunity I get. You see, having an opportunity outlook forms a mindset that can only lead to adventure and success. For if you...

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Living Beyond Fear

Once you realize that fear is something we all face it becomes easier to accept the concept that some people learn to live beyond fear. And when you do learn to live beyond fear, confidence cannot be that far away. Fear is a mechanism that is built into all of us. It...

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Articles and Appearances: